Growing Up: Malverne, LI, NY 1938-45: The Play
As many young children do, we put on plays every now and then. Most were organized by my sister and some were improvised pretty much on the spot by the group of four budding actresses: Pattie-Anne, Gayle, Patricia and me. This particular play stands out in my mind. It was our wedding day––all of ours. […]
Growing Up: Malverne, LI, NY 1938-45: The Runaway Doll House
The sun did not shine. it was too wet to play. so we sat in the house all that cold, cold, wet day. I sat there with Sally. we sat there, we two. and I said, ‘how I wish we had something to do!’ From “The Cat in the Hat” — by Dr. Seuss […]
Growing Up: Malverne, LI, NY 1938-45 – The Background
My parents moved from Massachusetts to Malverne when I was about 2 years old. We lived on Atlas Avenue and then moved into our new house at 35 Doncaster Road in 1940. Pattie-Anne and I always referred to the Atlas Avenue house as the Dirty House. Who knows why? Probably it came from hearing our […]
The Singing Brook Inn: The Beginning – 1945
The war was over! I remember going out with my sister, Pattie-Anne, and banging the lids from our metal garbage cans to celebrate. We were living, at the time, in a small “Cape Cod” style home in Malverne, Long Island, New York. I was 9 years old. Little did I know that this same year […]
A Daze Work
In the early 1950’s I was hired by the Navy Department, in particular, by the Inspector of Naval Materials (INSMAT). I had to go to electronic companies in the Long Island City area of New York and inspect electronic items and assemblies to ensure that they had no defects (or an acceptable few cosmetic defects) […]
Domehenge: Sleeps 30!
This year (2012) was the 8th Annual 4th of July Moynahan Family Reunion. Thirty of us were here over a period of at least 10 days––and within the 10 days all of us were here at once for three days and nights; all 30 of us slept here! It wasn’t always that way. In 2004 […]
Protecting Domehenge: When Lightning Strikes!
As we were spending our first night in a tent on the top of Backbone Mountain, say about summer of 1992, it came to pass that we had a small thunderstorm. The rain whipped about and the lightning flashed and with each crash I began to wonder if this was a good place to put […]
A Summer Job in the Days of Telegraph
When I was fifteen or sixteen I got a summer job with RCA as a messenger boy delivering and picking up RCA Radiograms in the Wall Street area of lower Manhattan. The RCA Central Office for New York City was at 66 Broad Street, in the same area as the Cunard White Star line office […]
Lessons in Pottery
Back in 1958 BC (Before Children) we rented a little house in a subdivision called Harundale in Glen Burnie, MD. Our yard was non-descript except that we didn’t have much soil and what there was had been put on top of a layer of red clay. During rains the red clay would ooze to the […]
Adventures in Strange Lands Part II : Meteor Reflections
The plane from Goose Bay, Labrador slowly drops into the narrow crack , thousand foot cliffs on either side, no sign of an airfield anywhere, nothing but the glacier dead ahead. Greenland—-the world’s largest ice cube! It’s two miles thick in the center! Then, suddenly, a sharp turn and “Plonk”—we immediately touch down. Engines roar […]