The Arriving

Waiting for the movers

Waiting for the movers

Still waiting ...

Still waiting …

We finally got to the apartment in Rockville about 2:00. The movers had long since gone. I wish I had been there in time to see them. Also, I had their check waiting to be filled out and their tip in an envelope. Fortunately, I had spoken to Megan earlier and she was able to take care of both.



The arriving, the wonderful joy of arriving! I could have cried.

Setting up the living room.

Setting up the living room.

Our beautiful flowers!

Our beautiful flowers!

Alison, Bob, Bill and Megan were here. It was so good to hug them all. They had waited for the movers and were there to let them in. And I couldn’t believe all they had done during the time and after the movers were here.

The living room and dining area had been set up just as we planned. Everything was ready for us and beautiful flowers from Anne and George were here on our mother’s dining table.


Champagne was chilling in the sink.



A welcome surprise!

A welcome surprise!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe came into an almost fully furnished apartment, including a bed that had not only been assembled by the Wallace family but all made up by Megan. The rugs were on the bathroom floors, towels on the racks, clothes in the closet; and in the kitchen the pots and pans, bowls, glasses and dishes were in the cupboards, as well as eating utensils in drawers (including a whole new set of much needed cooking utensils from Alison).


It was home!



OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA8-mom in her chairWe sat in our usual chairs as if we had been here forever, with our furniture all in place, and most of all, with some of our wonderful family.

But I couldn’t just sit. I kept getting up and walking around. Our apartment is located where the building curves so we have walls at angles, which break the monotony of a rectangular suite. It made, however, setting up the living room a bit of a challenge, but I love the way it worked out.



Everyone needs a fort!

Everyone needs a fort!

Clothes all put away

Clothes all put away

The only downside of arriving late was that we missed the fort that Ben and Aidan had built for us in the middle of the living room, made from the cartons that the bed and side tables had come in. Wish we had seen it!


The afternoon was filled with talking, but eventually we needed to nap.  The family went back to Megan’s where she and Alison prepared a dinner for all. They picked us up later in the afternoon and brought us over.


6-bed all madeThere, at Megan’s, was our dining table all set up as if it had been standing there forever. It looked just as beautiful in its new home as it had in all its previous homes. We sat down to eat, Bill and Megan taking their new places at each end of the table. It all felt quite right.

That night we slept in our new bed in our new apartment in our new community.

The arriving was over. We were here.

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Denny, what a treat to see the photographs and hear how your family rallied around you and gave you such a welcoming entry into your new part-time suburban life! I especially love hearing about and seeing the fort and the dining table at Megan’s and seeing both of looking so at ease and happy in the photos!
Love you,


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