Author Archive

Winter Mornings at Domehenge

Photos taken from our upper deck. Click on the image to view the gallery.

Growing Up: Malverne, LI, NY 1938-45: The Play

As many young children do, we put on plays every now and then. Most were organized by my sister and some were improvised pretty much on the spot by the group of four budding actresses: Pattie-Anne, Gayle, Patricia and me. This particular play stands out in my mind. It was our wedding day––all of ours. […]

Growing Up: Malverne, LI, NY 1938-45: The Runaway Doll House

The sun did not shine. it was too wet to play. so we sat in the house all that cold, cold, wet day. I sat there with Sally. we sat there, we two. and I said, ‘how I wish we had something to do!’ From “The Cat in the Hat” —   by Dr. Seuss   […]

Growing Up: Malverne, LI, NY 1938-45 – The Background

My parents moved from Massachusetts to Malverne when I was about 2 years old. We lived on Atlas Avenue and then moved into our new house at 35 Doncaster Road in 1940. Pattie-Anne and I always referred to the Atlas Avenue house as the Dirty House. Who knows why? Probably it came from hearing our […]

Good-bye Sandy – Almost

Unlike the aftermath of most winter storms of past years, when the snow would pile up and surround us, covering the hills and evergreen trees, and when the sun would sparkle on the icy branches outside our windows, there were no beautiful days of glistening snow after Hurricane Sandy. Maybe we missed some of it […]

Cozy Warm in Hurricane Sandy

When a black woolly bear crosses your path twice, beware.You know a bad winter is expected! Hurricane Sandy arrived about dinner time on Monday, October 29 with winds picking up and snow coming with it. Mark was ready for any emergency radio help that might be needed, as was Alison back in Beltsville. The snow […]

This Year’s Winter Forecast

It’s nearing the end of October, and what a beautiful season it’s been. So many days of being able to go out and walk in the crisp clear air; to enjoy the trees in all their colors and to watch their leaves fall lazily down for us to crunch through as we walk along the […]

The Singing Brook Inn: The Beginning – 1945

The war was over! I remember going out with my sister, Pattie-Anne, and banging the lids from our metal garbage cans to celebrate. We were living, at the time, in a small “Cape Cod” style home in Malverne, Long Island, New York. I was 9 years old. Little did I know that this same year […]

And the Walls Came Tumbling Down

Domehenge: Sleeps 30!

This year (2012) was the 8th Annual 4th of July Moynahan Family Reunion. Thirty of us were here over a period of at least 10 days––and within the 10 days all of us were here at once for three days and nights; all 30 of us slept here! It wasn’t always that way. In 2004 […]